About the project

The aim of the project orgOS is to present pipe organs in Osječko-baranjska county, especially those in the city of Osijek and surrounding area.

The project consists of:

1. organ concerts

The schedule of organ concerts can be found on project’s website.

Project especially encourages young organists from Croatia, not only high school and college students, but also organ amateurs.

2. orgOS edu - educational presentations

Educational program is intended for the children and youth of Osijek and the surrounding area, as well for all interested people and groups. Schools, individuals or groups interested in participating in orgOS edu apply by sending an email or by sending a message to one of the project’s social network accounts.

3. project’s website

Project’s website was created by Antun Ivanković at the end of 2019.

Website features information about organs in Osijek and selected organs in Osječko - baranjska county. It also features information about the organ festival and organ concerts through the year.

All the information on the site is regularly updated.